Monday, August 25, 2008

just a quick one...

hey everyone, this isn't an actual blog just a random thought.
i'm sitting in this internet cafe, it's absolutely pouring outside and i can't stop replaying the song "Africa" by Toto in my head ("i bless the rains down in africa") if you haven't heard it, it's absolutely necessary that you listen to it soon.
that's all. i'll write an actual blog tonight and post it tomorrow.
love, john


rgschulz said...

Love that song! I listen to it at least once a day to keep me sane! =) One day I hope to actually bless the rains down in Africa! I loved the new pics and I love you too! Are you the only Ginger in Jinja?
-Becky Schulz, RN (That's right, I'm a nurse now!!)

Justin said...

I love that song too, dude! :-D